Monday, July 5, 2010

Here's To One Day Having a Level 6 Classroom of My Very Own!

The video known as, "The Voice of a Digital Native" is narrated by a seventh grade science student who Marc Prensky would refer to as a Digital Native; or a student who has grown up with a strong understanding of 21st century technology. The "Network Learning" that she describes makes it evident that she is learning in a LoTi Level 6 (Refinement) classroom. The research that the girl shares about the Leopard Gecko and other animals demonstrates that there is certainly a great deal of higher-level thinking taking place by each of the students. Allowing her to research information and take notes through the web gives her learning experience some real-world application. The girl's teacher is also allowing her to communicate with experts outside of the classroom. She refers to contacting a scientist in Australia and somewhere in the United States to have her research peer reviewed! This activity provides incredible educational benefits and a great sense of purpose for the student. Because the class is entirely computer-centered, the student most definitely has unlimited access to technology throughout the school day.

This video clip inspires me to develop a classroom that incorporates a high level of technology. I found it incredible that a seventh grade student was so completely knowledgeable of different computer programs and software. I loved the idea of being able to copy notes straight from websites and save them. This is an excellent way to help students learn to cite their work and gain an appreciation for the work of other published authors. Using Skype to talk to other professionals in the field of education would be a great addition to any lesson in my classroom! It may even be a great way for my students to communicate with other children around the globe.

Many people ( "Digital Immigrants") may be apprehensive about using such technology in their classrooms. They might feel that allowing their students to use the internet so heavily for their assignments, will enable them to spend too much time on unrelated sites such as Facebook or Twitter. However, the student in the video makes an excellent point when she states that the freedom and choice that comes from Network Learning also instills a great deal of responsibility. In fact, in many cases (such as the student choosing to do further research on jelly fish in the video) students might even choose to do more research or more work than they are asked to do. Encouraging students to use the kinds of technology in school that they are surrounded by outside of school, will motivate them to want to learn. It may even help them to find learning fun! Watching this video has opened my eyes even more to the endless possibilities that come from teaching with technology. I want to have a level 6 classroom and become more of a Digital Native; and I am prepared to putting all my efforts into doing just that!

**A funny comic that illustrates the difference between a Digital Native and a Digital Immigrant.

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